Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I'm Back

I used to think I was interesting, that I had something of interest to say, if only from the security of my computer.  Many of us did.  But it seems we have given up writing about life for tweeting it in a couple sentences or less, for the sake of an immediate response.  Or we have traded in writing for giving a status update on Facebook every few minutes.  Is anyone really listening?  Does anyone really care?  How hard is it to click "like" over and over on your Facebook news-feed to give people the impression that you are interested.  And after they have "liked" what you said, then what?
It seems the more technology allows us to network the less connected we get.
I miss writing.  And though I may not feel as "interesting" as I once did, I feel like I have something to say.
The old adage goes "When a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound if no one is there to hear it?" 
Likewise, am I really saying anything if no one is actually listening?
You think no one hearing the tree fall makes it's plight any less real? 
It's not the sound that's important, it's the fall.